Hawaii 2010


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Surprised by Hope

I am 2/3s through N.T.Wrights lauded book that reexamines the resurrection and related issues. As you read it from a pastors point of view your theological background helps you see his points that much of our belief system is as much influenced by prevailing philosophy as by what scripture said in its original cultural context.

I find my self amening and marking excellent quotes, and being thankful for the price this scholar paid to be able to communicate in this fashion.

That night in a study, as I tried to communicate some of the concepts they seem to fall flat, like the average Christian seems to say, "so what?" The beauty of a redeemed physical universe and a redeemed and glorious bodily future is enourmously exciting to me.

I will keep absorbing until this gets deep within. That last part of the book is Wrights "So what" as it concerns ministry, message and the body of Christ.

Exciting times!

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