Hawaii 2010

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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Good Creation

I would like to be the Chaplain of a wooded Cathedral high in the mountains where people come and worship during their hikes and vacations, and when it gets too cold there I will help run an oceanside retreat center for people in recovery.

I have a wonderful 12 inch screen just over my computer monitor that plays 3000 or so pictures from vacations in my life. During the day I can glance upward and be reminded of something beautiful and memorable.

I like to think that this is the way God allows us to be reminded of His good creation and the sheer joy of being alive in the midst of it. When the ugly days come, like tomorrows 9/11 anniversary, just thinking about the creative beauty of the world can lift my heavy spirit. This is my Father's world, in a long slow groaning upward pull.

The whole chaplain fantasy is simply acknowledging that the high places and the expanses of ocean are thin places where strength and healing take place, and to be living in those places would be very inviting for me.

The summer of my 19th year, living in the mountains of northeast Alabama, several counselor friends and I spent a day off in Desoto Canyon, drifting and climbing and jumping off rocks of a mountain river. I remember that day as if it were yesterday.

OK, Back to reality, enjoy your day.

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