Hawaii 2010

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Juicing again

My Palo Verde lost all its bloom in the wind storm last week, my Topsy Turvy has tomatoes but they are not ready to harvest yet.

Last month I watched an inspiring documentary entitled Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, by an outgoing Aussie named Joe who taunted the value of the juice fast in health maintenance and recovery. I have owned and given away two juicers in the last decade because I just did not get into it and was stuck on carrot juicing which has too high a sugar content.

Joe's website, Reboot Your Life has lots of different recipes.  Meanwhile my friend Jack sees his doctor who has seen the movie and is excited about how juicing has helped him and Jack buys the movie, unpacks his juicer, and buys some veggies and fruit. We watched the movie and I was again inspired, and Jack wants to give it a try with one of his friends.

Jack has to delay his start, so the veggies and fruit and the juicer are with me, waiting my own renewed interest and experimentation. I recommend you watch the movie, the second half has the story of a trucker who was 429 lbs, and lost over 200 and regained his health. I will let you know what I learn. I already know that the micro nutrients in vegetables and fruit play an important part in my health thus far.

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