Hawaii 2010

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cloud Atlas

The Hendricks Family in the Late 60s, Jackson Mississippi.

I lie here moments before heading to the shower, finishing another chapter of the novel Cloud Atlas. It is not an easy read, and the gifted author is in no hurry to tell you the connection between six different stories spread over centuries. What a read, and what a joy it is to return to novels after years of laying the pleasure aside.

This morning thunder and a light rain have ushered in Laura's second week of school, one day past humpday, one more to go until the weekend. The grandkids are coming over, fun ahead.

I will talk about Cloud Atlas when I finish it, but I already bought the movie. I have heard people texting in the middle of the movie asking if its worth staying till the end. I watched it with friends who were equally in the dark as to its meaning, but to me it beckoned....what is going on here, what is the connection, what is the theme. Is it greed and violence, the triumph of good over evil, the danger of corporations? That, dear friend, is the genius of a novelist, they draw you in with the characters and have the freedom to create future worlds unseen, and to ask what the connection to our daily and yearly decisions might have on future generations. Its hints at purposefulness in the midst of mindless violence. It wonders if our souls get another chance to move up the ladder of humanity and become real caring humans.

The office beckons, last evening I restored WiFi on my computer as I rebuild the environment of my sidekick tablet. When I get to work I begin with everything turned off, with meditation, with the hope and desire that God be working all things according to the counsel of His will....and I thank Him for the morning rain, my loving wife, and another day to enjoy this world.

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