Hawaii 2010

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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hello HTC One

For the last four years I have owned an HTC Incredible, which introduced me to a world of fingertip information that has never failed unless the handler mishandled it.

My second phone I thought would be the popular Samsung until my sales rep showed the this large screen phone. So I admit I am moving away from miniturization on this, but barring buyers regret there is a method to my madness. Here goes.

Using a tablet as your modem works fine, but you have to always ask to turn it on and off, and it is the most expensive form of band width, even though we are at the beginning of a price war.

My tablet is now almost three years old, and at times it gets to be a chore to haul it around, especially since Laura wants and needs to be online when I am out in the evening.

An inhome modem supplied by Dish Network will not only handle our inhome use, but allow us to use some TV connections we have been unable to use.

I may take the table offline permenantly and just use it at home as the generous sized motorola product will allow these aging eyes to read the screen quite effectively. So I am hoping to reduce my overall cost of phones and tablet for the transition in a few years to a retirement income.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you decide to add the Waze app only caution from our daughter is to turn it off when you're not using it as it takes a lot of battery power