Hawaii 2010

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Friday, December 13, 2013

Like minded fellowship

Osego Lake, New York late 50s. Fall

If you are talking about God and the Gospel you might be in a conversation about belief and understanding of the various stand out verses and our understanding about theology. I enjoy such conversations because they stretch us and help us to a better understanding of how we agree and differ.

Sometimes you are hanging with people who share an agreement on all the major issues, and it is very special to agree on so many things and then to seek to balance and extend our thinking into what is commonly called the whole counsel of God.

As one who has a lifelong interest in the Bible, theology, church history, doctrine....I live and breathe this stuff, and when you get to stand on common ground with people on the same place in the journey, it is sweet fellowship. It is not about agreeing to disagree, or saying OK thats your view and I don't share it, but we still love each other. Its about enjoying the truth together so we can encourage one another.

That was this morning with two brothers. Sweet.

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