Hawaii 2010

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Saturday, December 8, 2012


The Shack was written at a cross roads in the Young families life, there had been financial hardships which caused a forclosure on a house where they had lived for 18 years. A move to a small rental where he finished the manuscript he wrote to share his healing
experience and faith understanding of God with his children.

As he shared the story of how the book, self published and rejected by 26 publishers, began to spread by word of mouth, he continued to say that the first 15 copies, duplicated at a local copy store, were all he intended to share, and had done all he hoped it would.

18 million copies later, he is being filmed for a German documentary, a friend of a friend of a friend is filming a shot at that small rental house and asks Paul if he remembered an envelope with 5 twenty dollar bills under the door before Christmas that year when you first moved here?

It was me, the videographer said, I asked my friend if he knew a needy family. I was given this address and did not know you at all.

With tears in his eyes, Paul Young, author, said....I used that money to print the first 15 copies of my book for my family and close friends. The rest is history.

This genuine late blooming writer has tapped something real in relational theology and God's love of broken people. He is real and genuine enough to be a spokesman without become puffed up, the man and the message are the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the picture. You look a lot like dad. I really miss him in my life. Love Judy