Hawaii 2010

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Friday, June 26, 2009

A Testimony to God's Grace in One Life

The 16 year old in the picture is about to have an encounter with the Living Christ, who left the pages on his RSV Bible he got in 3rd grade, and with unhurried pace, the Hound of Heaven would use friends, circumstances and time to bring that boy to a life changing awareness that Christ was his Lord and Savior. It became real in time on June 27, 1967. Some moment that evening he received an impression that he should spend his life telling of this Christ.

Plans began to change, he chose a Christian College, a Theological Seminary, he grew and had ups and downs spiritually, he worked, he studied, he played, he dated and married, and the man stood before a congregation, knelt down and had hands layed upon his head and shoulders, and made a holy vow to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ with all his talents and abilities, and to be faithful to live a life in accordance with the doctrine he professed. This was the evening of June 27th, 1976, exactly nine years later. I did not make that connection right away, but I have always marked that date with thanksgiving and reflection. Tomorrow marks then the 42nd year of being in Christ, and the 33rd year of being a pastor/teacher.

I am not famous, have written no books, lived my life on a small stage, but how absolutely precious and constant and wonderful it has been to know the Lord through His indwelling spirit, and to love the Father whom He revealed. And the service, the relationships, the family dynamics, the trials, the blessings, the crushings, the mountaintops, have all been part of the journey He had for me. How can I say thanks for the things you have done for me.....to God be the Glory, to God be the Glory.

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