Hawaii 2010

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Friday, April 3, 2015

Thoughts on Holy Days

Going to Easter Service in Oneonta New York 1959?

The Churches are trying hard to get visitors this weekend, special Easter events and attractions. They hope they will stick. TV has a plethora of Bible based dramas all updated and contemporary to attract modern audiences, which kinds of worries me in the same way as attractional methods in the mega churches. Come hear Quarterback Cool Guy from the Poukipsie Buffalos Share His powerful testimony.

The more I have walked in the finished work of grace, the less I feel like making one day more special, or finding a special way to show I love God. I feel His presence in me and around me and in everyone through the image of God in every child of Adam, and I do not call that image "free will". I do not feel any emotional appeal will get good ole free will off his duff and get people back into the pews.

Most Christans do, and good fortune to you this holy weekend.

I hope and believe that the truth that His decision for humanity has more power than my decision for God. That good news is already written but blunted by the church who 1450 years ago began to get this good news backward....we are not redeemed by obedience or belief first in order to be redeemed second. Jesus faith and obedience is the only one that counts.

Resurrection today, tomorrow, forever.

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