Hawaii 2010

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

A trophy of Grace

This is my favorite Road to Hanna picture, and made with a smart phone.

In my long life of bible study, bible reading, bible doctrine, bible teaching, etc. it would be safe to say that one of my literary heroes is Paul the apostle. He began his adult life in a strict tradition of defending the faith he was raised in with skill and zeal. He was unaware that his path and God's timing would intersect in one of the greatest inner turnarounds in human history.

A persecutor of the church became a spokesman and advocate of the message of the church. He was called, changed, empowered, protected and fruitful beyond measure. We would not know what the implications of Jesus life, teaching, death, and resurrection without Paul's writings. They play a key role in how everyone developes their faith. He is inspiring and endlessly helpful in leading us in the proper way through warnings, admonisions, corrections, and encouragements. He is the lens through which I am seeing Easter 2014. He calls me back to the purity and simplicity of grace and peace.

1 comment:

Jack the painter said...

Very good insight into Paul's growth as a beliver in God....