Hawaii 2010

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dropped back and punted

There is no time of the year when I feel dumber than tax time. This year we lost our last exemption with the flying of the coop of our youngest college graduate. We also got a tax break by helping him borrow obscene amounts of money to live on his own at the University of Arizona.

So me and Turbo Tax began our yearly waltz, and I just got more and more frustrated that the bottom line was so much more than in years past, and so, I punted, I filed for an extension and am carrying the whole semi organized pile of financial information to a tax professional...and I told Laura to never let me do this again. Its like washing your own car, there comes a time in life when you pay a little more the the service. So, Taxman, you win, and I punted.

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