Boy, did I wish I had a jacket when we left the gym this morning.
Happy report on my latest leaf blower. I go through these things yearly for some reason, my last one died when it fried the cord a few weeks ago. I try to buy different brands. Once I had once that had a leaf sucking attachment and it was so powerful it would grab rocks and pull them into the aluminum motor and ruin the blades.
With trepidation I chose another with that feature, is really working. Not enough power to do the rock thing, but enough to vacuum the leafs and debris from the rocks. Blows good too. Temporarily a happy yard man.
Don't plan on seeing Titanic 3D but I really enjoyed the movie and plan to note the century anniversary in an illustration tomorrow.
Looking forward to our last dinner in the cactus room for the winter/spring season as my family will share in the entertainment.
Forgot to mention last Sunday that the word grace is in the last sentence in the Bible.
Word for this month is "trustworthy"
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