Lots of churches hope to turn visitors on Easter into attenders and are putting as much of a production together as possible. One local megachurch usually has a catchy theme with banners and signs. We are having bells and brass and joint choirs.
For many lapsed or grown up children who no longer go to church weekly, the twice yearly pilgrimage into the special Christmas or Easter Service gives plenty of reason for churches to hope some will come back and stay. The very pledge we make to seek the lost continually suggests this is a good strategy.
I would rather have someone I invited come on a normal, no so ramped up service so their expectations would not be so ramped up.
No matter how churches have tried to dress things up with dark rooms and smoke machines and cool instruments and arrangements. It is still someone leading, people singing and praying, and hearing a message that gives hope. Our people like songs they are sung before, and I understand that.
The resurrection from the dead sounds just as earthshaking when sitting on a couch as it does through all the bells and whistles of a high powered service. So mmany have given up on church these days among the young, many of whom are second generation non attenders, the attractional model is being replaced by the incarnational model. Love them where they are at, be with them outside the service, till they come for what they felt rather than what they see in the service.
A special day, but just one day, and for me, a living Lord is a daily experience.
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