Paul makes a pretty big deal about the modesty and humility of most of those who saw the meaning of the Cross and Resurrection. The everyday folks.
The power people are too invested in power and wealth and self to see the wisdom of the way Christ revealed Himself as a suffering servant.
We do not need better public relations, in fact, when we think the Tim Tebows and Bubba Watsons of the world will make Christianity grow we are mistaken.
The blurb about Tebows Easter speech drawing a huge crowd, and then having a chunk leave after he spoke and not stay to hear the preacher preach about Jesus was telling.
I also read about C.S. Lewis leaving his English Literatrue lectures to head to the pub for a brewsky, content as he said with monotony, when he was at that time a best selling author and radio personality whose 15 wartime lectures on God and Faith were listened to by 600.000 people at a time.
God uses the little things and the everyday folks to glorify Himself.
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