Hawaii 2010

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Living beyond Easter

Well, I gave this Easter my best shot, preached the Pauline King Jesus Gospel, unveiled the deeper meaning the the hell words to show a message that is good news for the whole world yet calls us to live out the Kingdom Vision of God and be Christ in this world, and know we are going to face judgment without fear because we walk in love.

It is a view that does challenge some other visions of God and the Gospel, and must therefore be given a place in the ongoing conversation between various faith groups in the Christian tradition.

Its an old truth that got put away by tradition, and power, and abuse. It was hidden by people who wanted us to give up this present world as unworthy, so they could live in greed and lust. It allowed them to do acts of violence and believe they were serving God.

The gospel of grace and truth and peace in Christ the King has won, is winning and will win in reconciling all things to the Father, who will become all in all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome sermon-- thank you! Eden