Hawaii 2010

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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

It's official...I am an active Senior!!!

I love driving on those days when the cumulus clouds are so brilliant they take on a life of their own.

Week three Fitbit report tells me I walked 29.5 miles, over four miles a day. They say many people lose interest in activity trackers after several months...I hope not because this is really working to set a daily walking/exercising goal and see that it is happening and your fitness and energy level are up and the scale is nudging ever so slowly down.

The Doves are ruining the finch tiny bird experience for my new bird watching hobby by hanging on the the feeder and raiding it and funning the tiny birds away. I have resorted to throwing seed on the ground to keep them from hanging onto the feeder. I can buy a flat feeder for bigger birds but am not sure I want to see the doves acting so hawkish all them time.

The world is falling apart with division and bombings and racial tensions and so I will not sweat the bird feeder wars but enjoy watching them enjoy the new found bounty in my backyard.

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