Hawaii 2010

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Blood to tongue in zero seconds

A view from Oak Creek at the Circle K in Sedona.

Twice this week I have had intravenous injections of the dye that helps the diagnosis of heart disease. Once in the hand and once in the elbow. Each time as the dye was injected I tasted it in my mouth in less than a second. I am wondering how amazing that reaction is for something to be injected and reach the sensitive taste buds that quickly. Any other possibilities? The techs tell me they get that reaction all the time.

This quote from a wise FB friend resonated with the yesterday.

"The bad is that FB frequently exposes us to a "mob mentality" where we, following a hostile accusation made by another on their original post, then enter into their proposed social stoning of another's thoughts, beliefs, motives and actions. These types of toxic threads can engage in such malicious mocking, brutal belittling, and sarcastic scoffing, that one has to cauterize his or her conscience to then pick up a written "rock" and join in the social stoning.

Let's do the braver thing! Let's not allow ourselves to be recruited as rock-throwers but instead aspire to be Rock-knowers, standing on the firm non-condemning foundation of our Christ. Resist the temptation to cruelly condemn another. Jesus certainly did the same with the woman caught in adultery, and so can we." Richard Murray.

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