Hawaii 2010

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Google monday

Class of 1968 goofball...during those high school years jokesters would throw superballs down empty hallways at school and they would bang and bounce forever, I still remember the first day it happened at Murrah High School, the roars of laughter filled the classrooms of studying students, and I swear it was not me.

I like Google. Today they reminded us that the Rubriks Cube is 40 years old. Wow. Now, I never owned one but had access to many, and always lost interest in restoring the colors within minutes.

I have never lost interest in figuring out the puzzle of human existence, good and evil and the blessings and bains of life.

The gadgets that come and go to make life interesting and worthy of a few minutes of our time. I loved the superball, the gryroscope toy that would spin in your hand and defy gravity, the ball rolling toy where you maneuveured your ball through a maze trying to keep in from falling into a hole, and last and not least, our game board which had a chess/checkers table on one side, and pockets in the corners on the other side to play this game with little wooden rings which was like a mixture of marbles and pool.

What fun we had with that toy, remember Judy, Linda, Janet? I would use it as the base for countless hours of building things with my lincoln logs and my bricks, which were both the predecessors of the lego dominion in my kids life of play.

God values play, mental exercise, and good wholesome pastimes, I think. That's why we all have a few games on our smartphones.

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