A sunset near Lake Okiboji, Iowa some few summers ago. I miss my batchelor trips.
I appreciate people who help me see things about revelation that are helpful. When Israel was defeated and taken captive in Babylon, there country being overrun and their temple destroyed, this did a huge psychological work on the chosen nation. We were the apple of God's eye, what happened? They set about deepening their understand of mercy and restoration rather than priviledge and power, at least for a while.
The whole New Testament is written under the assumption that God would again bring judgement to Israel, and the third temple of Herod would fall, and we see in Paul the theologian a man rethinking God's promises not in the many seeds of Abrahams children, but in the seed of the Christ who would restore humanity's hope. Jesus is the hope of the world, not Isreal, He is the final chapter of their story and the gaurantee that there story is not over. Although it would not be in a city or a temple, but in the city of God and the throne upon which God rules through the King of Kings.
Helps me see through the temporary structures of power and outward strength in this world and keep my eyes on the one who can shake what is and bring forth was should be and will be. Paul saw Gentile blindness followed by Jewish blindness which demonstrated all of man's hopeless condition, and subjected all men to God's wrath, but in Christ, this locking up of all men into disobedience allows God to be merciful to all. Romans 11 conclusion. So, the church does not own grace, we can only give it away. mercy triumphs over judgement
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