Hawaii 2010

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Hawaii Life

McDonalds, Hawaiian style.

I have enjoyed all the episodes of Hawaii Life which help families find homes on the islands. Its part real estate and part travelogue for the island lifestyle. Couple spends twice as much for a house in a resort area that is at the top of their budget and says they will enjoy the amenities of tennis and swimming as well, which cost another 800 a month.

Nice place to visit, would not want to live there. However, when we are there is feels like your could live there. We went to church in Kauai years ago and talked to a retired trucker and his wife who turned their visits into a dream to live there and were in year two of getting used to it. They said you get island fever when all roads circle or end and you can't get off the island, then you realize your grandkids are far far away.

Immersion for a week, but no real estate searching for us.

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