There are three computers in my connected life, two laptops, one office, and one home, and Laura's Dell. I can get online with any of them with this WWAN toy I share with the church office. In truth, my Android is a personal computer with Internet as well, so that's four.
I decided to update my personal laptop to the latest Internet Explorer version and now all kinds of things are not working. Picture uploading, final uploading of new blog posts have been accomplished with my cell phone link. I will work and worry until the glitches are ironed out.
It's Monday, my latest recuperation period is over and I am back in our summer schedule, which gives us a Bible Study break until Fall. It allows me to read more and think more and enjoy a short vacation during Laura's quick six week summer holiday which will begin next month.
Our seven week Sabbatical was so wonderful last summer that we cannot complain if this summer will be less ambitious. I hope to see more of the local Arizona sights, which includes a photography trip to the Grand Canyon which I have not visited since moving to a Canon Digital SLR with good lenses.
To any friends or relatives passing through the state, in two weeks we will have a kitchen, and we have a nice guest room with your own Bathroom outside the doors. Stop by for a visit, we mean it y'all, we are not "whistling Dixie".
From Pastor Don, very glad to still be alive and working. Thankful for our country and the apprehension of the 9/11 mastermind.
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