Pensacola Beach suffered economically last summer because of bad press, not bad water. We swam three days and only had a spot of two of oil to clean off our feet. I really felt bad the for summer business traffic. I hope things improve this summer.
I tried to share the concept of Platonic dualism that colors our back reading into scripture tonight, and probably failed. It is a slippery concept but extremely important to realize that some later influences affect the way we read and interpret the Bible. Sometimes I get pretty discouraged that we can argue and wrestle with the Bible and miss the main points and get lost in the details and follow historic rabbit trails to sad consequence in our witness to the world. I really like the way Brian McClaren begins at the beginning of the story and sees a God that never gives up on His crowns of creation, never gives up, never gives up, until Love Wins.
I have to believe God keeps the plan on track when we lose track.
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