I am paying an ode to the first unexpected blessing of my Christian life. I had dropped out of Church when we moved from Alabama to Mississippi in 64. I returned to Church in 67 to spend time with a girlfriend and to rekindle a deeper relationship with God that began in June of 67.
The High School Sunday School was studying Fritz Redenours book with the above title which was a commentary set for our age group of the book of Romans. Not only did Roman's help me get grounded in grace, the title fit my desire not to play false piety games like I had seen in my earlier years of church attendance.
I am still amazed when I dig under the surface of most believers I find a weak under standing of grace, unconditional love and unmerited favor and a strong fear based understanding that God only loves good people, I must therefore look and act right, ie. be culturally religious. So how do you live? Do not judge, Love God and love your neighbor, let no one rob you of your freedom in Christ.
Preach it brother!!!!!!!!!!
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