I drove across town for a Lion's golf tournament and enjoyed a rare beautiful sunrise. Now, in truth, our bedroom faces east, and we have a large sliding door with Plantation Shutters and we see the sun rise every morning and it usually wakes me.
Today was slightly overcast in the morning but finally became a perfect spring morning. The golf was very enjoyable, and our team came in second, which paid for the morning.
The lovely lady in our foursome is a newly wed, who lost her husband three years ago to a sudden blod clot in the lung. Here one moment, gone the next. They were career missionaries to the Philipines and Indonesia. I was sad for her loss and happy that she found a Christian companion for the next part of her life.
I really try to live each day as though I could be here one minute and gone the next. Not restlessly, nor phrenetically, but gratefully, for perfect days off like today. Well, not perfect, because the pollen and grass are really getting to me more each season. Enjoy my sunrise picture, I did.
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