Do not sit on this plant, or get too near it!!! Take a picture of it for your friends who do not see these every day.
I sat in a care home where one of my members is undergoing physical therapy. she is concerned that although they allow her 21 days of rehab, some sickness and flu have kept her in bed, and the clock is ticking. A day is a day and she will have to leave before she is walking and using her hands well enough for self care. Her physical inactivity during her life and her weight are unfortunately an issue.
Her roommate was slender, active and healthy until her stroke hit, and although she walks well her hands are too weak to eat without assistance. Again, many and varied issues with each person and systems that respond to charts and limits. Even my sweet ladies long term care insurance will not kick in until 90 days, which limited her costs, but creates a 2 month gap in rehab care.
Add the desire to survive a stroke as reasons I am practicing my own health care with eating right and moving every day.
I have had several experiences with strokes (most notable my wife's traumatizing neurological episodes) - very scary stuff.. more so than a heart attack.
Cool Cactus! Is that one plant or several plants close together. I could send you pictures of a rushing river and huge blocks of ice still surviving our 50 degree weather. Alice Falls are beautiful with surviving ice castles and rushing water. I really must learn to down load my pictures. Love ya, Judy
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