Easter marks another anniversary at my church, finishing six years, starting seven. How quickly the years fly by, a day at a time. I have enjoyed living in an active retirement community. Its different. We lose some things that living in a regular neighborhood may have, but we gain things as well. An almost college like campus with many opportunities to visit and see people. Endless clubs that bring people together.
Walking paths, inexpensive breakfast and lunch in the grill, swimming pools maintained by others.
We have a joint choir with handbells on Palm Sunday. Very beautiful. They work hard to play and sing together. Traditional worship is good, so much less confusing than trying to stay on a cutting edge thats always shifting. I am blessed with simplicity and abundance. I noted that the healing of Malchus slashed ear was Jesus last healing, and the warning about living and dying by the sword.....how prophetic was our Saviour.
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