Today begins my summer schedule. From October to May I lead Bible Studies in addition to Sunday worship. I know that people do not retain all of what they hear, but like the old illustration, "I don't remember everything I eat, but I am pretty sure I would starve if I did not eat".
So I feed my flock with the good news of the gospel. This year we focused upon the preaching and teaching of Jesus, as Good news. This in the bible study and on Sundays, and then another group study the Epistles of John and resurrection from ICor 15 and from N.T.Wright's book Surprise by Hope.
The teacher of scripture must be learning and testing and challenging himself or the whole process can become lifeless. Christ centered preaching will rise above the ups and downs and struggles of the newspaper, but will also alter the way we understand what is happening in this world in the light of the good news.
The summer months are for reading and searching for ideas and subjects to explore, and for some travel and relaxation.