Hawaii 2010

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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

I prophecy my future

Sunrises and Sunsets mark the days of our lives.

Lord willing, in exactly one week from today I will wake up at 4am unable to sleep, and will grab my camera and go shoot the sunrise. Thus endeth the prophecy.

OK I fudged a bit, because I will be sleeping in Kauai, and the four hour time difference has always caused me to rise early, and I have gone for an early morning photo shoot each time we have visited the Garden Isle.

The Author and experts on the Four Blood Moons predicted a stock market crash on September 12th or 14th, an apocalyptic event on or between tonight and sunset and Sunday, because they believe God operates on the Jewish Feast Day Calendar and we are at the end of the end times. Thus endeth my short retelling of the Four Blood Moons.

I fudged a bit, because I know that the failure of date setting must of necessity be a 100 percent failure, right up until the right one, when it will be too late to gloat.

I am not really gloating, I am mourning the capture of the church by this fundamentalist, violent, and false view of the future, of the hope of the Gospel, and of the centrality of Jesus and his cross shaped plan for the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So Bud can have his birthday on the 24th, right?
Have a wonderful time in Hawaii--Lord willing, we'll be back in Sun Lakes on Oct. 5