Hawaii 2010

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Friday, July 11, 2014

Fix this problem, it is your responsibility

Caught a sunset looking west down the streets of NY, it was brilliant and caught in a fleeting moment.

Seems to be an intoxicating number of problems brewing in our country and around the world. Many Christians retreat to the standard mantra. "O well, Jesus is coming soon". They are implying that this time there will be a divine rescue.

Whatever your theology about the consumation of the eons, this rescue mantra seems the weakest response to national and world problems. What if God laid down divine principles and attitudes through which we can get to work and fix our issues.

I was reminded this morning that racial relationships in the south only began to change when the non violence of MLK was joined to the FBIs often heavy handed moves against the principles of those who were doing the violence.

This goes along with my thoughts about the human desire to rescue the streets parks and subways of NYC, and the necessary force used to get the disorder off the street. We would wish it could be done without force but even the bible speaks of the role of government in the end of lawless behavior.

For me, the prayer "Come Lord Jesus", while expressing hope, is not what we need to foster and implement societal change.

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