Hawaii 2010

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Heaven Can Wait

The Porpoise Driven Life, those guys and gals and kids seemed to enjoy just swimming, and eating and loving the pod.

Saw some folks yesterday at a funeral who parted ways with me less than fondly a decade ago. Typical issues you might see in a church. So and so said such and such and I am offended and leaving. It was good to shake hands and express kindness to them and to hope that time and age heal old relational wounds.

But one sweet couple I could tell were struggling to look me in the eye. They were teachers and leaders in the church and I was hijacked by an angry woman who attacked me on the phone, caused me to say something defensive, and then promptly told this couple what I had said about them. Are you following all this?

I spoke of the genuine fondness and love shared between the man we were remembering, in the midst of people who felt I had hurt them. Hence, the title of my post. If heaven contains these remebrances of wounds past, something is really going to have to change in our hearts and minds for us to party on through eternity.

There would be very little chance in this life to go and pick up those broken pieces and start again. I guess thats why there are so many church choices around, find the preacher and people you like. Frankly, it makes me wonder why I keep trying to make the gospel actually function in our largely dysfunctional world. Heaven has a fix, and I can wait for it.

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