Hawaii 2010

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Farewell Canon 300m

Shortly after these pictures were shot of a delightful swimming hole fed by the ocean and heated by volcanic steam my small sleek Canon slipped out of my hand with the lens open and sustained a fatal injury. We had a hard time finding this park on the east side of Hawaii, and we had our suits to swim but the signs warned that the bacterial issues in the warm water were possible and not to get in if you had an open wound. Having read of those who suffered from the skin eating bacteria I lost my zeal to try it out, and as we headed to the car I dropped the camera.

Efforts to get the lens unstuck failed and I left it in Hawaii with sadness. It was a great camera. It had a star crossed relationship with this clumsy dude though, as last year I had the camera in my pocket with a golf ball and a door banged my pants and cracked the image screen. It still worked but no longer had the look of a new camera. So, it was a fine small carry everywhere point and shoot that I loved. Its movies were specially fine, and its replacement model is cheaper. I am saving up. I have to have two cameras with me when I travel, big and small.

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