This is a telling picture of the early years of marriage when you don't have much stuff. An old 21 inch given my mother in law run by rabbit ears. That useless picture of a corner of our manse in Crystal Springs was captured by a Kodakcrome film in a camera, then digitally transfered to my computer hard drive for todays momentary reflection.
Today we have two flat screen large panel displays than bring crystal clear images. My good sized library of music goes with me everywhere and can be coupled with a number of players I keep around the home and office to fill the room with beauty.
I type this message on a laptop that did not exist in anyones everyday use on the day the above picture was taken. And I connect with you on a medium that has grown from an idea to a reality in my adult lifetime.
I do not join with those who see these things as a harbinger of a dystopian future. They are all been blessings when kept in perspective and not allowed to overwhelm with information or wasted time.
Dystopian is a word Laura encountered this morning while reading an old fashioned hand held book. Itf speaks of a future that is not utopian, but terrible. Presently movies are obsessed with the idea. Hunger Games is a picture of an unreal but possible future society.
I am glad to touch minds and hearts electronically with you this morning.
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