Hawaii 2010

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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Systems Failures

George McDonalds book of messages entitled Unspoken Sermons are now on audio at a site called Libravox. They stated that his messages were not systematic, and that he did not view scripture that way. The sermons use scripture but not as proof texts so much as attempts to discern the character and purpose of God in truth.

I have been exposed to at least six different forms of a systematic approach to scripture that cannot all be true. Some are based on a very literal hermeneutic and some a more figurative one, but they still are claiming to have it all figured out for our enlistment as enthusiastic followers.

It seems as though these efforts to pull all the texts together into something teachable and transferable are often attempts to correct or purify or go back to square one and start over, and all show hard work and commendable integrity.

I often hear them say things like, "scripture makes no sense unless your put this or that slant on it'. Maybe, maybe not.

Today I am resting in a phrase coined and used by the late blogger and pastor Micheal Spencer, "I am trying to live a Jesus shaped spiritualy".

Have a lovely pre spring weekend, our temps are up today and tomorrow. I love March in the desert.

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