Hawaii 2010

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Alameda modifications

Thanks to Al and Freddy for helping me finish my wall mount TV installation with zero wires showing. I love it and Laura tolerates it, still hoping she loves it someday.

Some Alameda's have fireplaces, some don't. Most have large double door entrances which are nice for moving stuff in and out.

Our home is one of the models that sold the best in our retirement community, although they phased it out two decades ago it remains a popular resale because it fits the retirement lifestyle.

It has a third room that most use for a den, a combined living room/dining room, a bar area, and a seperate kitchen with a dining area, and a large bathroom and roomy master bedroom. Each time I visit an Alameda owner I am amazed at how many different options they allowed in the basic ranch rectangle with an L wing bedroom.

Some have windows where some had doors, the connection of kitchen to dining room allows for a pass through window in some, the kitchen was shrunk to add a large garage work area in some, and of course the ever confusing flip flop of the house which has all the rooms facing in different directions.

We Alemeda owners always enjoy making comparisons. In our ten years here we have removed the bar for more living room space and turned the kitchen into one large room with an island. It is still a very functional space and we enjoy it.

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