Hawaii 2010

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I have friends in both places

No, this post is not about Hell and Heaven, its about the belief that Christians should or should not be involved in politics.

Over on the anabaptist side their are those who dissavow voting as an act of worldly power and trust in this worlds failing structures and insist the best thing we can do is stay above the fray and labor for the Kingdom in love, peace and compassion.

Far more of my friends see the voting booth as the way we do battle for justice, truth, and biblical values and we are duty bound to find the candidates and parties that most closely reflect those values and do all we can to save America from itself.

I like to think of myself as a compassionate conservative, for what thats worth. I am also kind of hopeful that the land of my birth can be a place for individual freedom and opportunity to enjoy some prosperity. I have seen poverty up close and it's not something to covet for its sanctifying effects, and I also have the compassion to hope that others can break free from poverty, war, and strife to get free. And I am not quite sure who can pull those things off. Maybe only those invested in the peaceable kingdom who can let there light shine a bit wherever they are.

My fear is that whomever wins, our nation will continue to divide and attack and poison our freedoms with divisive party spirit. There is room for both sides in this nation.

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