“Use it or lose it” is a maxim I believe is true about many
things. After 10 days away from the gym my weight lifting showed a loss of
strength. I also know that a mind that
is not engaged with constant exercise begins to atrophy. “ Reading makes the
whole man” was a quote ole Dr. Strong reminded us of in seminary long ago, and
so I try never to go a week without bodily exercise and mental discipline.
Now in my sixth decade I see the inevitable effects of aging
and grudgingly accept them, but not without doing my part to keep the system
lubricated with good nutrition, good sleep, and good thoughts.
This has not always been true, sadly there were many long
years when I allowed the demands of life to make me sedentary and stressed,
which became the seedbed for many of my physical issues, and I ate to deal with
emotions, which is still a constant struggle.
So, fellow strugglers, the good news is that it does not
take hours and hours of physical exercise to reap a positive benefit, get out
and walk, stretch and lift heavy things a bit. Always have a book or an article
nearby, and eat clean, healthy fats, proteins, and carbs from fruits and
veggies. Not preachin, just sayin, its makes me feel younger and alive.
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