Studying nutrition is like studying theology, lots of schools of thought, debates, disagreements, old wives tales, ect.
I like the concept of Kundun water, discovered by a Russian scientist and popularized by Japan. I could not figure out why the companies wanted to sell you an expensive machine until I read that the process of alkalizing the water had not been stable. It has to be consumed within two days or it returns to balance. has a bottled product I found at a Costco that seems to have stabilized the process and I am working my way through a case of it. I like what they do in the purification process and the reverse osmosis, and I am believing the claims of what the magnetizing electric process does to the water and its PH and oxidation enhancements. Check it out if you have interest.
Case of 24 is $36 online. How much in CostCo?
14 bucks at Costco Businesst
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