Hawaii 2010

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Saturday, December 18, 2010

There never is a line to see Jesus and ask for gifts.

A young married couple being snaped in front of the treee by Grandma, who obviously struggled to get us in the frame.

After a long day I enjoyed a sumptuous evening meal with friends, went to bed early and listened to Christmas music while falling to sleep. While we have noticed a return of a more public recognition of the season withought so much Grinching about it, I still hear many Christians being upset about being dissed or dismissed by some.

Yet as I meditate on the last and greatest Messianic prophecy in Isaiah 53, the suffering servant passage, it seems God knew well ahead of time that Christ would not be recieving a warm welcome during His sojourn here. "Despised and rejected of men", Yet "by His stripes we are healed."

We need to recapture the reality of Christmas more deeply than we defend the outward displays of spirit during the holidays, for Jesus clearly knew He would win no popularity contests, yet the enormity of God's sacrificial love drove the event from the beginning, including finding no room in the Inn.

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