I have reached a place of peace with eschatology. It is a fascinating subject and it opened new worlds to me when I saw the beauty of fulfilled eschatology. Yet, I feel no need to fuss and fight about interpretation, about end times. I just want to be able to discuss things rationally and with some degree of humility on all sides.
The intolerance that has risen over the racial and religious and political climate has raised the stakes. I am a follower of Jesus, who would be with people of all stripes and leanings. We can no more take back our country than we can snap our fingers and be living on Beaver Cleaver's street. The only path is forward, and the only answer is truth, working through love.
Love is inclusive of those whose culture and religion and background are different, if we desire the way of Christ. Too much of the fear and distrust are fueled by the same hatred I heard in the south. I feel prejudice in our hearts about so many little things, I see pride in our hearts about so many unessentials. But I don't want to fuss and fight, I want to light just one little candle. Which by the way, is my earliest memory back in the fifties of Sunday Morning religious TV. "If everyone lit just one little candle....what a bright world this would be." Corny? True!
"The only path is forward, and the only answer is truth, working through love. "
Amen and amen.
In essentials, unity.
In non-essentials, liberty.
In all things, charity.
Your comments and visits are deeply appreciated brother.
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