One of the things that is different here in our community is the level of interaction and cooperation we have between Christians and Jews. We sponsor a significat volunteer ministry to the frailest and most home bound of our residents, and we meet regularly to oversee fundraising events.
In recent years we have had some newer pastors who have retreated to a separatist stance more common in other communities. We have had a few tensions with the ending of prayers in Jesus name, the usual things.
I have become weary with the tension in recent years and just thought about backing away from the whole thing until I heard Paul Eppinger speak this week. A retired Baptist preacher, he grasped the importance of our need to demonstrate respect and understanding between all types of religions. His vision for using the Golden Rule as the link that allows us to live in peace and work toward a non violent future was implemented here in Phoenix in some substantial and innovative ways.
Americans really tend not to believe that the power of love can work in any way above the inter-personal. Christian's need to learn to love our neighbors, even those who faith is different.
Glad you got revitalized! :) It takes effort not to grow weary in doing good.
Read this in Medford Oregon--having a daughter raising her children in the Jewish faith tests my ability to relate to her and her family--in my dark moods I feel I have more in common with anyone in the pews of a Christian church than I do with my own daughter--I need more of your positive approach-Eden
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