Kansas Bob had some great quotes on life long learning over at his blog. One of my goals for 2010 is to get the two years of high school Spanish out of the moth balls and get conversational with the language.
Why, to build bridges of respect of the huge Hispanic population here in Arizona, and to speak with the families we desire to help in our mission work in Mexico.
I really am too cheap to buy Rosetta Stone, so I bought a 30 dollar knock off in Costco that practices the same method of immersion language study with pictures, words, games and repetition. Nine disks must be mastered and muchas gracias for your encouragement in this modest goal. Now that I have an una pasporte, I can be in Porta Penasco in four hours.
I also have my good buddy Larry who speaks Spanish through his family heritage who will help me with sentence structure and flow once I relearn some vocabulary.
I only wish more of my learning goals in music, language, and theology, could get past that huge rock called mediocrity, and get closer to that vast harbor called adequacy, even if I never land in the island of competency. Mi casu, su casa.
Wow! Kudos on setting such a great goal for the new year!
Don, the kids have used Spanish in 10 minutes a day as well. It is good for words, but not too conversational.
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