I entered a Mall recently to take pictures with my SLR like this one, and was kicked out. Apparently they are afraid a man without a family is stealing designer ideas, or taking people pictures without permission. Major Bummer.
Experimental Theology, by Dr. Richard Beck is one of my favorite blogs. The author teaches psychology at Abilene Christian University and has incredible insights into the relationship between Theological truth and psychology. He recently introduced a term that helped me understand one of the constant struggles of pastors. He called it, "folk theology" and was describing the mixture of ideas that Christian pick up along the way and believe are part of the gospel, when in fact they are part of things they heard or things mom said or such a mixture of concepts that are not in fact, good theology.
Most of these have to do with God being extremely sensitive and picky about our actions and ready to lower the boom on us at any moment. Some sins are so wicked you are thereby tainted forever. This relates to my previous post about teen sexuality and about dealing with long term guilt over sexual mistakes.
The more I study, the more important I believe it is to take a hard look at what changed with the new covenant; including the promise of reconciliation as part of the gospel, that God was in Christ, reconciling himself to the world, NOT COUNTING THEIR SINS AGAINST THEM. Folks, let go of your folksy views of God's anger, in the new covenant God employs a new reckoning (accounting) system that enables us to announce as ambassadors the enormous good news of the love of God for sinners. Until our folks drop their fears and really believe God forgives sexual sins, and others, and believe that God loves sinners in Christ, then we are just fishing for the right kind of folks, and not preaching the gospel.... not whistling Dixie on this.
Declaring the grace of God in the new covenant is not encouraging sin, it is offering hope and forgiveness. This is my 398th post, and every one of them, serious or silly is a declaration of the freedom to enjoy this wonderful life and actually live in grace with everyone!!!!!!!!
absolutely. say that one again. i'm all for freedom in Christ and i need to hear about this ALL THE TIME.
Amen! Amen! Amen!!!
Thank you for those amens, brothers
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