The time share story continued to spiral downward toward the pit. After a health issue caused the cancellation of a Maui trip summer before last, I was trying to get a beach vacation, and although I was a year ahead of time they never found one room.
Its seems the problem was that I was actually trying to find a vacation during vacation season, and I was actually trying to go to a place that people actually enjoyed vacationing at.
It does not matter that I paid more in my first class Hawaii home resort for two rooms, with the promise that if I bought two I could trade for two. That has never happened in seven years of RCI involvement. What they have been good at is collecting my dues for these unhelpful searches and charging me a bogus thousand dollars to upgrade this property that will not actually trade for any thing that working folks might have the time and interest in trading for. Its a big Catch 22. He reminded me that I could trade my 2010 Hawaiian vacation to try again and I said, try again for what, the non existent trades you have so far given me????
Never say yes to a time share deal! Save up and look for bargains. OH, I have asked them to find me something in the seven resorts near Anaheim CA after Christmas....but sir, that is when other people go on vacation, why do you think we can trade your first class 2 room Hawaiian vacation for Disneyland???? Sheesh.
I live in Anaheim. A friend worked as security guard in one of those Anaheim timeshare "resorts". Most of the time he had to handle drunks who got violent once they realized their expensive "timeshare" was actually a ripoff -- a reconditioned cheap apartment at five-star-hotel prices.
Have you ever seen the South Park episode "Asspen", about high-pressure timeshares? They didn't exaggerate.
TIMESHARES ARE A RIPOFF! PURE AND SIMPLE! You're much better off with an ordinary hotel or motel (of which there are a LOT around Disneyland, from economy motels to five-star hotels).
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