Every now and then they make a movie about books and I always love them. I enjoyed The Neverending Story immensely and shared it with others. Of Course there is the Princess Bride which is a story being told to a boy that comes alive.
Inkheart, a more recent movie, accomplished the same magical art of bringing a story into real life and creating for the watcher an appreciation for the literature that marked his or her own childhood, and adulthood.
Most mornings I spend a moment trying to capture the fleeting images that my Melatonin laced brain created during REM sleep, and they are fascinating as they fade quickly from my mind.
Then I face reality, with news of sick people, the rising cacophony of political trench digging that is taking place as the party in power infuriates the party dethroned. And in that reality comes the gospel, a story of God communicating His love through His son, and asking us to take a costly path above the use of power over others, and instead to believe in servant hearted love. One things I am seriously thinking is to declare myself an independent and take my name off the roles of any party. The other is to pray that we won't bite and devour one another in our ideological battles, as Paul warned the parties in the Galatian Controversy.
And, then, I will read a great book,(which includes watching a great movie) and go to bed and have a great dream, and wake up tomorrow and live in the presence of the moment which is reality, hopefully doing the good works my Father planned for me to do.
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