Subject studies in Hot Potato areas have been immensely satisfying for me. Eschatology led me to so many other lovely discoveries that I am being transformed by. The Age of the earth and creation studies, the development of atonement theories, its all been good. I do not tend to argue with Christians about these things but I can be pretty opinionated if the environment is safe, which it often is not.
The two books above have been edifying. Dallas Willards approach to Christianity is so refreshing. I attended a Renovare Conference to meet him and others discovering more about discipleship and had the change to speak to him on the street one day and thank him for his writing. This Easter, our men's bible study is discussing some of the ideas in N.T.Wrights book about rethinking the issues of Easter and resurrection. I have always believed there was life after life after death that would include the universe and it felt good to be affirmed and given good biblical proof by this scholar.
Marc was just saying last night that he should've reread "Surprised by Hope" before his Easter sermon. He's enjoyed both of those books, and they're sitting on our shelf, but I haven't read them yet.
Incidentally, I read Frederick Buechner's "The Alphabet of Grace" (in one sitting!) the other night and absolutely loved it! Have you read that one? So different and poetic and insightful.
Dixe, all my life people have been blessed by Buechner and I have yet to read him. I will remedy that. Willard and Wright are helping us recover the gospel of hope. By the way, your post the other night reminded me of one of the good things about Bill Gothards Basic Youth Conflicts course from the 70s. He believed every teen needed to get past being upset with God over his or her body image. The other thing is that you have given your body for the life of your kids, and there will come a time when you get your life and time back to tone and tighten, if you want to. Enjoy your day, hope you are getting better.
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