Hawaii 2010

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Thursday, July 31, 2008

South Beach Diet-Day #9 OOOPS!

So, I am losing about a pound a day without cravings. I met with my Dietician at Cardiac Rehab and bragged about it.....and she said I was losing too fast and a pound a week was safer. I told her that weight loss failures like myself really need fast starts to keep from getting discouraged. 8 lbs in two weeks seems so much better than 8 lbs in 8 weeks.

So, tonight we are invited out to dinner. One of the pleasures of being a Pastor in a prosperous nation is enjoying the passions of your flock. That is how I boat, ski, fly in small planes, and eat in expensive restaurants. Knowing that the big eating experience was tonight I promptly left home this morning without my yogurt. So, I went across the way to our cafeteria, (I will tell you why I live close to a cafeteria some day), and had an omelet with toast and hashbrowns.....you know, just to prepare myself for tonight.

I don't feel guilty, I am just going to start again tomorrow and extend the strict time an extra day. The dietician is probably right, like the turtle, slow and steady wins the race.


Adrian said...

A pound a day without cravings! Wow!!! What is the main secret?

Don Hendricks said...

Adrian-the premise is based on a two week withdrawal of everything that triggers fast suger metabolism, that include all fruit, all bread, rice, potatos.
Its eat a good bit of protiens, healthly fats and lots of high glycemic index veggies.
